Peter Clark Commended by Court of Appeal

7 August 2020

Peter Clark Criminal Defence and Prosecution Barrister

Peter Clark appeared recently in the Court of Appeal in the case of R v Alexander Philo-Steele [2020] EWCA Crim 1016.

With evidence spanning 15 years, numerous young boys had alleged sexual abuse by a male ‘nanny’. The complex factual background was described in Court as “labyrinthine”.
Following last year’s two-month trial, in which Peter led Rebecca Lee, leave was granted to appeal convictions in relation to two section 41 rulings (excluding evidence of previous sexual history).

The appeal did not succeed, but Lord Justice Hickinbottom referred in the reserved judgment to Mr Clark’s contributions: “over and above his full and helpful written grounds… we are very grateful for the assistance he gave us by way of oral submissions. We do not consider that the submissions in support of the appeal against conviction could have been better put.”