At 187 Chambers we have a formidable reputation for prosecuting and defending, and have a number of barristers expert in the fields of asset recovery and confiscation.
Why choose 187 barristers?
- Our specialist team recognize the impact this area of law can have on peoples’ lives
- We will provide comprehensive, expert advice and advocacy to gain the right results
- We are at the forefront of defending serious financial litigation.
Our highly skilled barristers are regularly instructed by third parties, defendants, respondents and government agencies in this powerful and complex area of law:
Governed principally by Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (“PoCA”), Criminal Justice Act 1988; and the Drug Trafficking Act 1994.
Often arising as an ancillary matter to main criminal proceedings, consistently ranked 187 barristers can provide strong and strategic advice from the outset and represent clients though to the conclusion of cases.
The far reaching legislation, exercised across the High Court, Crown Court and Magistrates’ Courts can also affect those individuals and companies who have not been charged or convicted of any crime and need the solid representation 187 Chambers provides.
Our expertise includes the following areas:
- Confiscation
- Restraint proceedings
- Cash detention and forfeiture
- Bank account forfeiture
- Seizure of listed assets
- Reconsideration of confiscation orders: under s.22 or s.23 PoCA; and High Court Certificates of Inadequacy
- International mutual legal assistance
- Civil Recovery
- Appeals and Judicial Review
Frequently Asked Questions
What powers do the courts have to seize property before a conviction? / I’ve not been convicted of anything; what powers does the court have to seize my property?
What is a Confiscation Order, and who has the power to make one?
How is a Confiscation Order enforced?
Once a Confiscation Order is made, can it be varied or appealed?
What is a Restraint Order, and who has the power to make one?
What power does the Magistrates’ Court have to order seizure, detention and forfeiture of cash and personal property?
What are Account Freezing Orders, Account Forfeiture Notices and Forfeiture Orders?
What is a Civil Recovery Order, and who has the power to make one?