Mitchell Cohen
Mitchell specialises in serious criminal law, representing both defendants and prosecutors in a wide range of complex cases.
His expertise covers serious violence, murder, blackmail, sexual offenses, large-scale drug conspiracies, kidnap, and armed robbery, where he regularly deals with complex matters as both leading and led junior. He is particularly skilled in handling cases involving individuals with learning difficulties or other vulnerabilities, having been appointed in 2016 as a trainer for the Inns of Court College of Advocacy’s Vulnerable Witnesses course.
Mitchell is frequently involved in cases that require the analysis of forensic evidence and has been a member of the British Academy of Forensic Science since 1986.
Before joining the Bar, he worked as a solicitor, earning a Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Criminal Law in 1997 and gaining Higher Rights of Audience in 2003. He also served as a Senior Panel Member of the Independent Peer Review Panel for the Legal Aid Authority.
Ranked In
Criminal Defence
- R –v- C and R (Infanticide)R –v- N (Assault of multiple vulnerable residents by matron of a care home)R –v- AD (‘Date Rape’ and Murder)
R-v- L (Murder by a doorman at a nightclub of a patron)
R -v- J and others (Attempted hijack of a ship at sea.)
Operation Parieville (Conspiracy to enable evasion of immigration controls by arranging ‘sham marriages’)
R –v- M (historic Rape over period of 30 years)
R –v- P (historic sexual abuse of entire family over 45 years)
R –v- B (‘Religious Ritual Rape’)
R –v- M (Sexual assault of a 5 year old by a 12 year old) Operation Darlington (Rape and other Serious sexual offences filmed and uploaded to internet for sale
R –v- O (Direction of child sex offences and sexual acts over international internet connection)
R –v- V (Multiple rapes, serious sexual exploitation of vulnerable victims and sale of indecent films and images made of those attacks)
R -v- S (Multiple rape over 40 years, controlling and coercive behaviour over same period, historic child cruelty culminating in Attempted Murder)
R -v- K (Rape of multiple victims met on social media)
R –v- G (Gang related gun crime) R –v- S (Gang related violent disorder)
R –v- G (Gang related multiple armed robberies on cash deliveries)
R –v- A (Gang related cannabis retailing from a shop front)
DPP –v- B (Availability of voluntary bill of indictment when Youth Court refuses to commit a youth to the Crown Court for trial – Gang Robbery)
Criminal Prosecution
R -v- B and others – 11 defendants convicted of Aggravated Trespass
R -v- P and others – 18 defendants charged with Burglary of Live Animals
R -v- N – International People Smuggling to UK (family and paying victims)
R -v- M – Historic and more recent child rape.
R -v- D – Familial homosexual rape and sexual assault
R -v- Y – music tutor ‘upskirting’ and sexual abuse of children during class.
R -v- B – ‘date rape’ following ‘spiking’ of drink and food.
Fraud & Financial Crime
R –v- GR (International share dealing fraud across 7 tax jurisdictions)
R –v- AR (Conspiracy to commit very large-scale mortgage fraud)
S & M –v- LB Tower Hamlets and Historic Royal Palaces ( Opposed proceedings taken by authorities to remove two historic tea stalls from Tower Hill)
Professional Memberships
- British Academy Of Forensic Science
- South East Circuit
- Criminal Bar Association
- Essex Bar Mess
Awards, Qualifications & Other
- 2014 was shortlisted as solicitor advocate of the year at the Law Society Excellence Awards
- CPS Grade 4