Richard Potts Criminal Defence Barrister

Richard Potts

Called: 1991

Richard was called in 1991 having previously spent 10 years practising as a solicitor specialising in crime. He now has a mixed criminal practice predominantly, but not exclusively, in East Anglia where he both defends and prosecutes criminal cases up to the most serious level.

He has been instructed numerous times as a leading junior for both defence and prosecution and has acted in a wide range of cases.

He is on the CPS Advocate Panel at level 4 for both London and the South Eastern Circuit generally and is an accredited rape prosecutor.


Criminal Defence

R v S & Others – Kidnap

R v T – Drugs – Successful modern slavery argument

R v E & Another – Drugs supply – Youth defendant – Psychological evidence

R v G & Another – Causing child to suffer serious physical harm – Multiple medical experts

R v M – Threats to kill – Mental health

Criminal Prosecution

R v S – Stranger sexual assault on schoolgirl

R v K & 4 Others – “County lines” supply conspiracy

R v W – Property fraud and associated POCA

R v C & Another – Historic sexual case

R v K & Another – Kidnap

R v S & 4 Others – Conspiracy to burgle (domestic and commercial across six counties)

R v H – Historic sexual abuse

R v G & 3 Others – Aggravated burglary

Professional Memberships

  • Criminal Bar Association
  • South Eastern Circuit
  • East Anglian Bar Mess
  • Essex Bar Mess

Awards, Qualifications & Other

  • LL.B.(Hons)
  • Grade 4 CPS Counsel
  • CPS Rasso Panel