Criminal Defence
R v J – D charged with rape/sexual assault on three complainants. Law re cross admissibility fully researched and argued. Capacity to consent as all three complainants had been drinking was a key feature in the case.
R v W – D aged 19. Suffering from mental health problems. Allegation that he had raped and sexually assaulted a boy aged 11. Satisfactory pleas on a basis were agreed after numerous hearings which considerably reduced sentence.
R v LS – D charged with penetrative sexual activity of a child. Complainant very vulnerable and a considerable amount of preparation was required to ensure that the most favourable answers were given. D was very volatile and needed careful handling so that his case could be presented in the best way.
R v P – D charged with blackmail. Diana had acted for him on a previous occasion when charged with rape. It was alleged that he had threatened and blackmailed the partner of his mother.
R v Y – D charged with assault by penetration of a child aged 3. Questions to be asked in cross examination drafted in advance and approved by the Judge
R v C – Sexual activity with a person with a mental disorder impeding choice. This case involved the cross examination of a number of psychiatrists. An appeal to the Court of Appeal was successful. The Crown appealed to the House of Lords. It is still the leading authority.
Criminal Prosecution
R v T (Trial) – Allegation that the defendant entered the home of a stranger and committed rape
R v G (Listed as trial but acceptable pleas offered) – Historic grave sexual abuse and cruelty on daughter aged 7. Sentenced to 18 years imprisonment
R v JB (Trial) – Allegation that the defendant raped his 5 year old brother.
R v N (Trial) – Allegation that the defendant sexually assaulted 3 complainants. Considerable amount of legal argument concerning collusion and cross admissibility.
Professional Memberships
Member of the South Eastern Circuit
Member of the CBA
Awards, Qualifications & Other
Diana sits as a Deputy District Judge (Magistrates Court)
Grade 3 CPS Counsel
Direct Access
Diana Pigot is qualified to accept instructions directly from clients and is registered under the Bar Council’s Public Access Scheme, meaning that members of the public who seek specialist advice can come directly to her. In addition, she welcomes instructions from solicitors, in-house law departments, qualified foreign lawyers, and clients licensed by the Bar Council to give instructions directly to barristers under the Bar Council’s Licensed Access Scheme. For more information please visit our Direct Access page here.