Matthew Bagnall, Leading Sasha Bailey, Secure the Acquittal of “McG” the Lead Defendant in the First Modern Prosecution of the Hijacking of an Ocean Going Ship
2 December 2019

It was alleged that the 4 Defendants, led by “McG”, having stowed away in Lagos, Nigeria, sought to seize control as the ship entered the English Channel and divert the ship to the coast.
The crew having fled to the bridge, armed UK special forces subsequently stormed the ship by helicopter to re-secure control of the ship.
The ship concerned was the ‘Grande Tema’, a ship that is heavier than the UK’s largest aircraft carrier, and only slightly shorter in length than the Houses of Parliament.
The allegation was denied and after extensive cross examination of the Captain and crew during an eight week trial, the Jury acquitted McG and his 3 co-defendants of attempted Hijack.